Marven’s First Novel, chapter16

     A car just went out of the street and entered the parking lot of a restaurant and slowly cruised along it to find a spot. After scouring, it finally found one and then snuck its nose into it and stopped. When its engine ceased roaring, out of it came a well-dressed middle-aged couple. They confidently marched and entered the place. When they got in the door, they slowly walked in and looked around for someone they have an appointment with. When they found the person in question, they stopped, smiled, and fixed their eyes on and approached a fine-looking gentleman seated alone at a table who also smiled upon seeing them. When they got to him, they each cordially shook the hand of him who had stood up in anticipation of them respectfully. Then the three of them sat down and smiled at each other for a few seconds. When they got settled, the older man finally broke the ice and said:
     "How's life?"
     The young man who looked like in his mid thirties sighed and chuckled. "Oh, sir. I'm still busy. I'm normally busy. Work never seems to stop. I still have many things to look after. It's only now that I'm finding some breathing space. Good thing I finally had one. I think I can now spend some time with her."
     "Hmm. Are you not changing your mind yet?" the woman asked.
     "I'm as determined as ever, ma'am, if I may say that. In fact, I'm more."
     "Hmm... Okay."
     "And I still couldn't thank the both of you enough, sir and ma'am, for your gracing me with your approval."
     The father tapped him on the shoulder more than once.
     "I think I'll be seeing your daughter more often now, now that I have more time."
     "Have you been to the place where we live?" the father asked.
     "Yes, sir. Miche took me there once, and she entertained me. But I also had to leave right away because I had an appointment. I think you, ma'am, were there; but you went out. And you, of course, sir, was at work and weren't around during that time."
     "So you know where to find us."
     "Yes, sir. I think I can get myself there. Plus, I occasionally oversee the activities in the property I just bought somewhere in the proximity. It's now in good order."
     "That's very nice of you to take such a step. We were both surprised. We didn't quite expect it." the mother said.
     "Anything for your daughter, ma'am."
     "Okay? You look serious enough."
     "I just figured I wanted to be in constant communication with you, Miche's family, if this thing successfully pushes through."
     "Of course."
     They continued their conversation about other matters such as business, politics, motoring, sports, and other hobbies of the well-to-do as they went on with the lunch.
     After all of this, the three of them walked out of the place together and stopped at a spot close to where their cars are parked. There, the older man said:
     "Again, feel free to come to our house anytime: day, night, morning, noon, afternoon, anytime."
     "Yes, sir," the gentleman said.
     Then they parted and went to their respective cars.
     After some time, this promising young man made true of his word and finally visited the house of his interlocutors at the restaurant. One evening, he showed up at their door; and the latter two who happened to be both present at home during that time smiled at him and cordially welcomed him in. The young man ventured to take each of their hand to touch his forehead with it and was glad that these were cordially proferred.
     "Take a seat. Make yourself at home. I'll call Miche and tell her to join you here," his future mother-in-law said.
     He gingerly came in, saying, "Thank you," respectfully and proceeded towards a single cushioned chair where he then sat down and crossed his legs like an artist.
     "You," said the woman to her husband. "Please do the honors and afterwards help me in the kitchen. Let's leave the two alone to talk."
     The father did as told; and when he re-emerged back in the living room, he already had, with him, his daughter, a beautiful young woman not yet in her thirties, it seems. She was dressed in a typical house clothes, and in her face was written utter surprise upon seeing the unexpected visitor which was then immediately replaced with familiarity.
     "Yes, it's me."
     The father left them and also disappeared into the kitchen.
     "I'll just change into better clothes. I'll get back to you later," said Miche who turned out to be none other than Mauricia as she is known by her friends.
     "No, don't bother. You look good as you are. Come sit here beside me. Let's talk. It's been a while."
     Miche approached and did as told. When she has settled, she said, "To be honest, I didn't expect you to ever visit me here."
     "Uh... I don't know."
     "That's very convincing. Fine. I guess you'll be seeing more of me often from now on."
     "Is that so?"
     Miche looked a little bit disappointed but then said. "Okay."
     "You don't seem happy to see me."
     "What are you talking about? I'm happy to see you. How are you?"
     "Good. I'm always good. You?"
     "I'm perfectly okay. The same as you."
     "Good thing you finally found time for me."
     "I suddenly felt I'm missing you."
     Miche, surprised, chuckled and hissed and said, "Right."
     "You don't believe me? Don't I look serious?"
     Miche looked up and down his face. "Really? Do you?"
     "Yes, I do. No joke."
     "Mm-hmm?" She touched his face and caressed it slightly. "All right," sounding or pretending to sound convinced. "I missed you too." 
     Affected by her gesture, he took her hand and showered it with kisses and said, "That's what I like to hear. That's very sweet of you."
     The lovers were surprised and turned their heads in the same direction when they heard the imposing voice of the future mother-in-law, saying, "All right. Time for supper."
     Haggard answered, "What? No. Don't bother, ma'am. I came here expressly to really talk to Miche. We have a lot to catch up on."
     "No, please. Eat with us. Even just for tonight. And after that, you can go back to the business of the two of you.
     Miche also tried to convince him, who seemed adamant in what he said, with looks and said, "Come on."
     The young man was convinced at her slightest plea and said, "All right." Then he proceeded to stand up and gallantly proferred his hand to his fiance.
     Miche looked surprised and pleased with his gesture and took his proferred hand delightfully and at the same time familiarly and naturally.
     Compounding this, as they proceeded to the dining room and got at the table, he also pulled up a chair for her and then sat after her beside her.
     She commented on this smilingly.
     Miche and her parents helped their visitor with the food; and when they all have settled and are already taking the first bites, the mother started, addressing him, saying, "I'm glad you visited us. I wasn't actually sure that you would, considering you're a very busy person."
     The young man answered, "I really have put it in my schedule to visit you, Michey's parents, and her, of course. Sooner or later, I know I would have to."
     "How do you find it here in our place?"
     "Hmm... Uh... Peaceful?"
     "Yes, ma'am. It's very peaceful here. Unlike in the metropolis."
     "That's very flattering. Great observation. Well, technically, we live in the province although we're very close to the city. And the streetscapes here are very much the same as there. Very indistinguishable."
     "But there are slight differences, of course. There's a different feel here."
     "That's also true."
     "That's why I've always been intrigued by this place and wanted to try living here."
     "Which you seemed to have ventured on right away. That's a little bit fast, don't you think? You didn't have to do it like that."
     "Don't you worry, ma'am. It's no problem with me. I'm fully aware."
     "Speaking of which, today——How do I say this?——I wish to show Miche the house, if that is okay with you."
     The mother was surprised by the slight forwardness and then looked at her husband who also looked at her. This lasted for a second, and the parents looked back at the young man again. "Uh... Sure. I don't see why not," the mother said.
     Haggard was sincerely relieved and said bashfully, "Thank you, sir, ma'am. Don't worry. We won't be long. I promise. I'll just show her, and that's it."
     "Do what you got to do, then."
     "Thank you. I'm not asking Miche to move in with me as early as now, of course. But I might spend a lot of time in that place in the days to come as we now process our papers in the town hall."
     "I see."
     The four individuals in that dining room talked more about side topics and other trivial matters related to the main subject and also about other things such as sports, business, politics, motoring, and other hobbies of the well-to-do.
     Afterwards, the parents smilingly sent the young couple off by the main door to the young man's car who assured his future in-laws of their daughter's safety.
     Now seated at the front seats of the car, the young man, gripping the wheel, said:
     "I hope I didn't inconvenience you with this. Are you okay?"
     "I'm fine."
     "Are you okay with this?"
     "Well, I'm here. Am I not?"
     "Yes, you are. I hope I didn't disturb you."
     "Do I look disturbed? Let's just go."
     "Yes," Haggard quietly said. Then he started the engine; it roared; and the car started to move slowly and then went on at normal speed.
     Next thing, the door of a newly painted and furnished house opened; and off it appeared Haggard and Miche who afterwards stepped in into the tiled floor, she after him. Haggard instinctively easily located the switches and flipped them. As he did so, both of them became fully visible and illuminated by the brilliant lights that came in from the ceiling. Haggard went to the kitchen and stopped at the sink. He lifted the knob of the faucet and mechanically washed his hands under it with the running water and said:
     "As you can see, it's already got everything." He then opened and tested the stove, and it was working. "All that this house needs now is someone to man it... Or woman it." What do you think?"
     "Are you kidding? I don't think so."
     "Yeah, I thought so," sighed Haggard.
     "Did you already forget what you said to my parents?"
     "Oh, yeah. I'm sorry."
     "I'm quite fine in my parents' house." Miche then took a look around, nodded, and curled her lips in approval and said, "Hmm... It looks okay."
     "Or you can visit here from time to time, taking your parents or your siblings with you, and hang around here, cook, eat, watch TV."
     "That's actually a good idea."
     "Yeah. Sure. Please do it."
     "I'm not sure, though, if they'd agree to do it with me."
     "Regardless, I'm giving you this. These are the keys here. Please take it. I actually visited you to give you this." He said this as he was approaching Miche who was still standing still in the middle of the living room. When he got to her, he pulled out a key chain with two or three keys and pressed it on Michey's palms. "There you go." He pulled out another key chain jingling with numerous keys and showed it to her and said, "Here's mine. I have a lot of keys here that opens a lot of things except one."
     "Which is..."
     "Your heart."
     "Pish," Miche said as she smiled and walked away from him. Then she stopped and turned to face him again. "What are you talking about?"
     "I was just wondering."
     "Wondering. We've come this far, and you're saying something like this? I'm surprised at you."
     "I just suddenly felt like I'm marrying myself into a woman who doesn't love me."
     "And that worries you?"
     Haggard was stunned a little bit by the question. "Uh... Yes. Of course."
     "Then stop worrying. I'm telling you now." Miche turned her back. "What nonsense."
     "Is it, though?"
     Miche faced him again. "Yes. Totally."
     "I think my doubts are valid."
     "Then stop doubting. Stop it. It's irritating."
     "Look." Miche walked towards and drew herself close to her fiance. Then she wrapped her arms, clasping her hands and fingers, around his neck and looked into his eyes. "I love you. Okay? I really do."
     "Do you really?"
     "Of course. Here. Let's try dancing on this floor." Miche guided Haggard into a waltz position and initially swayed both of them together. Afterwards, they both did it.
     When they're already in the rhythm, standing cheek to cheek, Haggard said, "I'm sorry, dear, if I doubted you."
     "It's okay."
     "You've been far away from me that I've started to wonder if you're still mine."
     "I'm still yours. Totally yours."
     "Thank you."
     "I think the problem lies with you, not me."
     "That's probably right."
     "Be still now."
     A look of assurance registered on Haggard's face and consequently naturally set himself to already shut his mouth and just go on with and feel the rhythm. Yet after a few seconds, he opened his mouth again and pressed the point. "But in my absence, you may have met some handsome boys."
     "In your absence, I've met a lot of handsome boys," Miche readily answered. "Even exceptional ones. In fact, every single day, I seem to be surrounded by handsome boys. But who cares?"
     "Really? How do you deal with it, then?"
     "None of their charms work on me, of course. Why would I have anything to do with such losers? Not all good things are given to everyone. They don't measure up to you, if you'd ask me."
     "Really? I'm honored."
     "You deserve it. So stop giving me that jealousy crap. You're degrading yourself."
     "Fine. I no longer will."
     "As if you cared."
     "Of course, I care."
     "Mm-hmm? Let's just focus on our wedding. Shall we?"
     "Yeah. I think we must."
     They continued to dance as she leaned her head on his cheek. Then she said, "All right. Take me back home now as you promised."
     "Oh, yeah." Haggard let go of Miche. "But I haven't shown you around yet."
     "I'll just come visit here when I feel like it. Like you said. Now let's go. She took his fiance's hand and led him outside the door.

from The Simple Adventures of a Simple Simpleton
by: Marven T. Baldo
